A little extra LOL from Forever 21’s Facebook page, ya’ll.

This silly-ass photo is from a new shoot they did and not only are the clothes whack, the model also looks like a corpse mannequin statue.

“Hey, psst. I have a secret for you. That’s right, lean in … You’re not wearing any bottoms. Just FYI.”

Insert your own caption in the comments section! The winner will receive a genuine, certified piece of glory and real personal validation*. Promise.







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14 responses to “CAPTION CONTEST: WTF?

  1. Anonymous

    Not a caption, but I actually have the top. It looks funny because of the bottom ruffle, but when I tuck it in to a navy pencil skirt it’s really nice. But I dress pretty old for my age anyway, so it could just be me.

  2. Jani

    Wow, at age 21 i just learned that I can fart~ and its a it’s totally cosmic feeling! You should try it man! I get high!! Heeheee!

  3. Anonymous

    psshh… im a man.

  4. Nicooooool

    “Whadya mean I didn’t get the part of the Vampire #3 in Twilight?! I’m completely ageless: Toddler on the bottom, Michelle Obama on the top. Well fuck, I guess I can toss my skin bleaching creams.”

  5. abrutalkind

    Fits great even after the rigor mortice sets in!

  6. Miss O

    “if you stare for long enough, a dolphin will appear”

  7. Oops I Crapped My Pants, now in “trendy” styles for tweens!

  8. Isobella

    what we can’t see, is that she is really letting herself go from the ledge of a building. (with a creepy pose, of course). ((maybe she couldn’t stand all that fuckery she’s wearing))
    They’d just changed the background.

  9. Anonymous

    Just blew some wind out of my derriere…Whoops!

  10. Katie

    “My master prefers me to look like a blow up doll”

  11. Wednesday

    “Class up your baby shorts with a grown-up blouse and necklace. BECAUSE THAT’S NOT CREEPY AT ALL.”

  12. inky

    i’m going to strangle you with my multitude of rings which are only on one hand, and, i know i look like dracula’s wife, but can you please make an exception for me and scratch my head? don’t look so shocked. i’m the one wearing this awful garbage bag, and i feel like a dashboard. ya knoww?

    1. your necklace is the absolute fucking shit. like, awful. really.
    2. how about you shove your multitude of wacky rings down your open mouth?
    3. i kneww, i should’ve given you some major tattoos.

    i knoww. not funny šŸ˜€

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