Le In Store Visite: Part Deux

In preparation for a new and exciting venture WTForever 21 will begin next week, we paid the store another visit and came face to face with the face of horror that is badly produced trends without the benefit of glossy photography and willowy, bored looking models.

This might just pass the Grey Poupon in the highly controlled environment of a photo shoot, but once unleashed on the maniacal racks of a Forever 21, we may see this sweater for what it truly is:

$27.80 worth of tits out, heather gray madness that either makes it look like you have a bisected front pooch or a pair of very low hanging chesticles.

Forever 21, Sacré bleu!


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10 responses to “Le In Store Visite: Part Deux

  1. I think you have it inside out, actually…

  2. does this remind anyone else of that time Zoidberg shed his shell?

  3. S.

    hahahaha People always asked for this at my store. So weird to me. it is super fugly.

  4. what the heck is this?! gross

  5. “chesticles” = me lol-ing around the house for 5 minutes. *wipes tears* thanks for that…

  6. Colleen

    This could be the new cover for the children’s book “The Saggy Baggy Elephant.”

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